Our Executive Council is set up to manage and administer the matters of the church according to the Manual of the United Church of Canada.
We have eight major standing committees which carry out the operational work of our congregation.
As well, there are four special committees/boards. These committees have considerable autonomy in their own areas of responsibility and normally report to the Executive Council. Proposals which require a change in policy or which concern more than one major standing committee must be brought to the Executive Council for a decision.
Ultimately, all committees, including the Executive Council, are responsible to the congregation. The Executive Council meets on the third Tuesday of each month except July and August and are open to any member of the congregation to attend.
Administration, Stewardship, & Resource Committee
Members of this committee are entrusted with the responsibility of the church's finances and the stewardship of its resources. The committee prepares the church's Annual Operating Budget, maintains a financial statement of accounts and balances and annually reviews the total objective of the congregation including local, regional and national needs.
Board of Trustees
The purpose of this board is to hold in trust all property, buildings and furnishings of the congregation for The United Church of Canada. In doing so, members deal with all aspects of church property and its furnishings relating to any physical change, ownership or sale. They also must keep records of any monies received by the Board (donation or bequest), or spent, and any changes in property or major furnishings.
Faith, Invitation, Hospitality, & Sharing Committee
Members of this committee are entrusted to provide opportunities for all congregation members to grow in their faith and be challenged. This committee oversees the Sunday School Program, Adult Studies, Young At Heart, and the Library.
Media & Communication Committee
This committee is responsible for making sure the mission and message of the congregation is communicated effectively not only to its members but the community at large. Members have been involved in several projects including the creation of photo directories, newsletters, maintenance of sound, video and digital services and the redesign of the St. Andrew's website.
Ministry & Personnel Committee
The Ministry & Personnel Committee serves an important role by providing support and guidance to the staff of the pastoral charge as well as members of the congregation. Members are responsible for making recommendations to Executive Council on items such as working conditions and remuneration. The church staff is reviewed once a year to address position descriptions and the general well-being of the staff.
Outreach Committee
Outreach has always been an important pillar at St. Andrew's. This very industrious committee is committed to outreach on local, national and global levels. Please see additional details under the "Outreach" section of the webpage.
Performing Arts Committee
The Performing Arts Committee oversees for a variety of performing arts events held within and outside the church for the education and enrichment of the members of the congregation as well as the community. They oversee the popular "Saturdays at 7" concert series as well as the Windsor Symphony Orchestra concerts held at St. Andrews.
Property Committee
The purpose of the property committee is to maintain and care for the church property and building. Such repairs may be: painting, small electric repair, plumbing, flooring and many tasks that our countless extra helpers feel they can do in a safe and orderly fashion. We work from a set budget that is part of our annual budget for all committees. Many times we receive help from non committee members who are interested in helping out. We are always grateful for the extra help that come from the congregation. If anyone is interested in joining the Property Committee please speak with the office.
United Church Women
St. Andrew’s United Church Women meet on the second Wednesday of the month from September to June in Fellowship Hall for refreshments followed by a meeting, which includes worship, a program and business. Our UCW group also helps out our church and community by serving at funeral receptions, catered affairs, holding fund raising dinners, muffin parties, and Mother's Day Luncheons along with our annual Christmas Traditional Market. This is a very active group throughout the year, uniting women of the congregation in Christian witness, fellowship and service.
Worship Committee
The Worship Committee owns the part of our mission statement that reads "...celebrate God's presence through Worship..." and is responsible for all aspects of worship including making sure there are worship leaders, preparing the Sanctuary for worship, including chancel decorations, communion, flowers, greeters and a number of other items. The committee also includes the services provided by the music director and music programs.